Sunday, June 3, 2012

Eating For Energy Review - Natural Nutritional Health

Eating For Energy is not another book on eating more healthy, and it definitely is not another ?fad? diet book on some new way to lose weight.

Quit eating so much high fructose corn syrup, along with so much processed and bad fats fried junk foods AND start exercising more, and you can lose plenty of weight ? there you go, a diet book in one sentence? :-P

Actually, I really don?t even think of Eating For Energy as a book.? I found it to be more of a total long-term program for how to increase and improve our health and energy, naturally and nutritionally, through a relatively simple ?back to basics? whole food and raw food eating style ? and yes, you would also lose weight if necessary with this plan.

Here are some of the things that I received for education and learning the strategies:

And I also added an additional supplementary program that includes:

  • Companion audios for the book that include even more information ? there is one of these on digestion and how to improve digestive health that taught me some things that I had no idea about
  • A series of videos that included one that completely ?dissected? a food label and how to properly read it
  • Four videos on raw food preparation
  • More reports on sensational superfoods, recipes for energy, and a fat loss interview
  • More expert interviews, including raw foods guru David Wolfe

Like I said, Eating For Energy isn?t just another book.

Who Is Yuri Elkaim?

In October of 2008, I got extremely involved with nutrition and fitness.? At the beginning I bought a lot of different things, like most people trying to learn a lot about something that is new to them ? I returned a lot more of them than I kept.

And over the last couple of years, Yuri has become my ?go to guy? for some terrific fitness programs and nutritional health education.

One of the things that I really like is how his fitness videos and audios include him doing the different workouts with you.? I am in good shape, but then I started on a treadmill workout called HillTrekker that all but ?killed? me.

So, Yuri Elkaim is the Eating For Energy plan developer.? He is a registered holistic nutritionist, was a professional soccer player and is now the head strength and conditioning coach for the University of Toronto, and a certified kinesiologist?with a further degree in physical education and health.

I quickly became comfortable that he was for real.? He has been widely published and is a highly sought fitness, weight loss and nutrition expert ? and most importantly, he practices what he preaches.

More About Eating For Energy

This is a total holistic eating plan for improving your health and energy, including starting you on your way to losing weight and keeping it off. ?The plan?s approach is education, and showing you how eating more raw foods can help you overcome many common food allergies, improve your skin, be more vibrant and energetic, and look and feel years younger.

I like this educational approach to raw food diets, and being shown many studies and facts that show the benefits of including more raw and nutrient rich foods into your lifestyle ? and I really like knowing that he is simply showing what he does and how he eats.

About Raw Foods

Let?s face it, when most people think of raw food diets they picture those sushi rolls containing raw fish, or eating a piece of other uncooked meat.? This doesn?t seem real appetizing, so they find themselves shying away from the notion of eating anything ?raw?.

However, Elkaim makes it clear that his approach deals with eating more of what he considers ?live? foods rather than ?dead? foods, and explains why he defines dead foods as being anything that is cooked.

Eating for Energy will show you how to transition from a dead food diet into a way of eating that incorporates more alkalizing, enzyme-rich, energy producing raw foods.

The difference between dead and living foods can easily be seen in the following 2 kirlian photographs.

The one on the left is of raw organic broccoli. Notice the energy emanating from it. ?Conversely, the broccoli on the right has been lightly steamed for just 1 minute ? notice the drastic reduction in energy or life force.

? ? ?

He also reminds us that his approach is not new, but rather confirms the facts that uncooked fruits and vegetables contain more healthy vitamins, minerals, and nutrients than cooked foods.? He talks about how cooking foods, especially at higher temperatures, can rob them of much of their nutritional value, and completely destroys enzymes that are necessary for digestion and good health.

While he does suggest limiting red meats, whole milk and milk products in your diet, because these foods often cause food allergies -his main focus is on helping people to eat the foods that help their bodies get back to the more alkaline state that nature intended, instead of the acidic diets that most people indulge in today.

And one of the best parts is the smoothie and juicing guide that includes 45 quick and easy to make recipes; you can even learn how to make your own nut milk in around 30 seconds.? Some of the people who have written testimonials for Eating For Energy, specifically talk about how tasty and filling these recipes are.? Best of all, many of his recipes and tips on smoothies and juicing can?t be found anywhere else, because they include foods in the recipes that just aren?t usually thought of.

Not Looking For Converts

Elkaim also makes it clear that he is not trying to convert anyone to become a ?raw foodie?, because he knows that for most people this is an impossible goal.

Instead his objective is helping those who really want to become healthier, and transition from an almost totally cooked and processed food diet to one that contains more fresh raw fruits and vegetables.? He even admits that he is not a complete ?raw foodie? himself, so it isn?t necessary to benefit from this plan.? About 80% of Yuri?s diet is now made of raw foods, and he said that he feels healthier and stronger than ever before, including when he was a professional athlete.

Nutritionally Sound Eating Plan

Eating For Energy is not some fad diet plan or off the wall diet that defies all principals of nutrition.? In fact, it is completely the opposite.? Anyone who knows any thing at all about eating nutritiously will immediately understand just how sound this plan is.

It compasses enjoying plenty of fruits and vegetables, and encourages people to eat more green leafy vegetables in a variety of ways that are extremely healthy for them.

And while this plan doesn?t include meats, it does make clear that if you are going to eat meat, then chicken and fish that are healthier for you than red meats.

Most importantly, this book actually allows you to incorporate adding as much or as little raw or live foods to your diet as you wish, rather than insisting that in order to reap benefits you must take an ?all or nothing approach?.

This is a very good thing, because even those people who are not yet ready to give up their unhealthy diets completely, can at least experience some of the benefits of eating healthier by making a partial transition.

Eating for Energy is a lifestyle that everyone can benefit from ? and like all of the fitness and nutrition resources provided by Yuri Elkaim, I can highly recommend this one too.

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