Those are the two words that even parent wants their children to use. If nothing else you want people to at least think that your children are polite. The problem is how do you get them to say Please and Thank You all the time. The first thing you must do is start early! From the moment your child is born begin using the phrases because as your child grows and learns to speak they mimic what you do.
Once your child is old enough t start handing you things and has more movement tell them Please and Thank You. For example if your child hands you his or her bottle say ?Thank You.? When they are screaming wanting something tell?them?we say ?Please.? ?Also use them?with?your spouse and other people in the home so that your child learns when it is?appropriate?to use those words.
Once your child begins to speak don?t give them an item until they say please. This will teach them how important the words are and they will naturally begin using them. That way when people come in contact with your children you will?complimented?on what a wonderful job you did of raising them.
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